Announcing Desktop Notifier for Maven 1.0

We all know that builds are supposed to be fast. Otherwise, we just end up swordfighting. But sometimes the build just takes too long, either because you have an empty ~/.m2/repository, or the integration tests take a lot of time to run, or … . But you get the point.

For this very reason I ( as the saying goes, with a little help from my friends ) built a Maven extension which shows desktop notifications whenever a build is complete. It’s smart enough to notify you at the end of the reactor build for multi-module projects and it distinguishes between success and failure.

The notifier support Linux, OS X and Windows with specific notification senders, with a fallback on the AWT APIs whenever we do not find a preferred sender.

Linux/KDE notification

Linux/KDE notification

Mac OS X notification

Mac OS X notification

Linux/Unity notification

Linux/Unity notification

Windows/Snarl notification

Windows/Snarl notification

The 1.0 version is available for download in the Github downloads area. To install it, just drop the jar file under lib/ext in your Maven installation.