Mylyn-Mantis connector 3.5.0 released
Monitoring tasks
Thanks to recent improvements in the MantisBT SOAP API the task monitor list is available and also the ability to add yourself to the monitor list. This functionality is only available for installations running MantisBT 1.2.5 or newer.
Rich text support for comments
Our rich text support is extended to the new comment editor. We are also rendering comments as HTML if the rich text editor preference is enabled.
Tree display of sub-projects
Sub-projects are now displayed in a proper tree. This is more consistent with the Eclipse visual metaphors and fixes a display problem specific to Mac OS X .
Better rich text editor support
Thanks to recent improvements in both the connector and the HtmlText feature from Mylyn we are now able to generate exactly the markup that MantisBT expects . This should greatly improve the experience when using both the web interface and the text editor.