Mylyn-Mantis connector 3.4.0 released

This release features an experimental rich text HTML editor, display of real names for comments and minor performance improvements to the task editor.

Rich text editor

The task editor was based on the plain-text contents of the task, which was sub-optimal when the task description contained HTML markup. Now there is an experimental setting in the task repository page which allows you to activate the rich text editor.

Be warned that it still has its kinks, and I’m putting this out for feedback rather than for mass consumption. It is expected that the formatting will not yet completely match the one from MantisĀ  and that some features such as highlighting incoming changes and dirty tracking are broken or require a nightly build of Mylyn.

That being said, this is a preview of the editor:

It is built on the excellent HtmlText component which arrived fresh with Mylyn 3.5.0 and features the exact HTML controls which are allowed by Mantis itself. I encourage you to report any bugs you find or improvements you need on the Mylyn-Mantis issue tracker. I hope that in a couple of releases this component will be stable enough to leave the experimental state.

Real names displayed for comments

Whenever available, the real names are displayed for comment authors.

Performance improvements

There was one more action which could freeze the task editor while opening, and it has been fixed. It especially affected repositories in offline mode.