Mylyn-Mantis connector 3.1.5 released

Time has come for another release of the Mylyn connector for MantisBT. I find that these released don’t arrive so often since the connector is solid and has the features that I for one need for day-to-day usage.

Nevertheless, I found the time to remove some issues which have annoyed both me and the users kind enough to report them.

Correct display of incoming changes

I’ve worked hard to correctly display incoming changes in both the task list and the popup notification used by Mylyn. The connector used to display changes from one step behind and this has annoyed me for a long time. No more.

Refer users to the wiki when needed

A lot of support issues have been generated by the fact that incorrectly configured MantisBT repositories work in the web interface, but not with Eclipse. We now suggest visiting the wiki in case an unexpected error appears when validating the repository. The link is Troubleshooting connection problems between MantisBT and Eclipse.


We have finally chased down the last remaining Web-Service related conflict, and we play nice when Web-Service related plugins are installed. Also, HTTP authentication works properly.


Some minor usability issues have also been fixed:

Please update and report any issues found in our bugtracker or forums.