Mylyn-Mantis connector 3.1.0 released
The Mylyn-Mantis connector 3.1.0 brings new features and stability improvements. The highlight of this release is building on Mylyn’s web services support to bring a more predictable model of interaction with the Mantis repositories.
Credentials dialog
We now build on the support offered by Mylyn to display a credentials dialog when access is denied for a SOAP operation.
Improved sub-projects display
Sub-projects are now clearly displayed in the new query page.
View state is editable
Up till now the view state was present, but hidden. This release changes it to be visible and editable.
Gracefully handle large number of users
The MantisBT SOAP API does not handle large numbers of users well, and public installations such as the official MantisBT tracker have in excess of 15,000 users. We now populate the users list with the developers and gradually add any users found as issue reporters or note authors when retrieving data.
Resynchronise only when necessary
Up till now, all repository configuration changes happening inside Eclipse triggered a repository configuration refresh. This included changes which did not really affect the repository state, such as recording the last synchronisation timestamp. From now on we re-create the repository state only when a relevant property has changed.
As always, our bug tracker and forums await you.