Robert Munteanu
Software developer, Open Source contributor, occasional blogger and all-round geek. Currently working as a computer scientist for Adobe on the Adobe Experience Manager product.
Latest blog post: Removing leftover bundles from Eclipse
Eclipse has a rich, wonderful, installer named p2. This installer manages your Eclipse plug-ins using a nice UI and allows you to add/remove features easily. Except when it doesn’t.
For the first time in several years, I was stuck with some bundles in my installation and could not get rid of them. Deleting them outright from disk is risky and confuses Equinox ( the OSGi framework powering Eclipse ) as I’m messing with its internal state. That type of operation is also discoraged in the p2 getting started documentation .
( Read more... )External links
- Social: rombert on
- Code: rombert on github
- Presentation slides: rombertw on slideshare
- Presentation videos: Robert Munteanu's technical presentations on YouTube
- Professional experience: Robert Munteanu on LinkedId
- Want to email me? Use this site's subdomain at this site's domain, ends up being my full name